End Times Seminar

These five messages were presented in the Fall of 2015 as An Outline of The Last Days.
Most of the material presented here, especially in sessions 2-5, is based on the book,
"Come and See What Will Take Place in the FUTURE"
Subtitled, "Coming events according to Scripture"
by Meno Kalisher and available through Friends of Israel
The handouts mentioned in the lectures can be obtained by e-mailing Pastor Dave

  • Audio files - click the desired Audio link and you should be able to hear the message in streaming audio. You can also left click to save the file onto your own computer. Each file lasts between 60-75 minutes. Copies on CD can be obtained from the pastor.
  • Broken Links - if any of these links do not work, please e-mail Pastor Dave

End Times
Topic Audio File
Why Study Prophecy? Audio
A History of Israel in 70 Weeks or Less Audio
The Church Age and the Rapture Audio
The Missing Week (of years) Audio
"Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done" Audio
New Hope Lutheran Brethren Church, 2015